February 06, 2006
Congratulations to the 35 Iconers who submitted the right answer to the following question: How many countries did Madonna visit during her Re-Invention Tour? The answer was: 7. Each member listed below will soon receive a copy of Madonna's Re-Invention Tour program, which features amazing pictures of Madonna taken by Steven Klein. Stay tuned for more exclusive ICONtests!
And the winners are: Randy Hadden ; Ryan J. Labay ; Rachel Miller ; Fernando Tellez Andrade ; Antonio Huizar ; Peter Gandolfo ; Tony Albanese ; Mark Anderson ; Ken Davis ; Brett Sjothun ; Kelly Knowles ; Stephen Burke ; Anthony Mikulic ; Christopher Aponte ; Michael Lent ; Kay Marsh ; Carlos Martin Quesada ; Michal Schovanek ; Nicholas Dillard ; Jill Zabinski Cahill ; Leonoor Moerman ; Cecelia Albano ; Fabio Marinuzzi ; Gillian Beresford ; Penny Sykes ; Jose Luis Gomez ; Eric Nussey ; Karina Mller ; Edmund Anthony Carrion ; Freddy Segarra Junior ; Norman Jackson ; Michael Jason McGarity ; Tara Dawn Walters ; Agustin Gonzalez ; Claudio Pinto.