MTV loves when Madonna comes to New York, especially when she stops by TRL for a visit. Fans were lined up around the block outside to catch a Glimpse of Madonna. When we arrived at the TRL green room Liz Rosenberg, Publicist extraordinaire, was waiting to meet Madonna. Liz had just watched the B roll of Hung Up and was telling all the Warner Brothers executives how

fantastic Madonna looked, dancing around like a teenager! Wearing a fabulous vintage couture dress by Mason, and diamonds on her eyelashes, Madonna looked composed but excited as she walked through the studio and greeted the hosts and studio audience. Back stage after the taping, she was showing the Warner Brothers Executives how to do the hustle! Madonna is a great teacher, but, they looked pretty silly trying to get "funky". I think we can all agree that it was one of the best TRL episodes of all time.
-MADemoiselle (undercover)