There was a lot of whispering at Hunter College on Tuesday. Students from 4 classes had come together to watch the first ever public screening of Madonna's new documentary "I'm Going To Tell You A Secret". There were 150 film students, performing arts students and International relations students who thought that after the show they would get to have a question & answer period with the movies director, Jonas Akerlund.
You should have heard the gasps in the crowd and seen the looks on their faces when MADONNA walked through the door and onto the tiny stage! The students gave her a standing ovation. Madonna gave a brief introduction and then opened the discussion up for questions. It was quiet for a few seconds while students tried to get over their surprise and think of some thoughtful questions. Finally a women from Israel stood up and asked Madonna about her thoughts on politics in Israel. This gave other students the confidence to do the same.
At one point, a young man stood up and "confessed" to the audience that he had been kicked out of school earlier in the semester. But because he was still on the email list for the class, he had snuck back in to see the movie! We all got a laugh out of that and Madonna put him on the spot demanding to know why he got kicked out of school. For more info on the show, stay tuned to MTVu. Enjoy these exclusive pics!